Almost exactly a year ago, I got the email that I would be studying physical therapy abroad in Costa Rica. It's a dream trip of mine and I was so excited to be furthering my career by studying my field in another country. It's an idea I have always thought about, but when I found a program that was catered to it, I couldn't wait to apply. Three weeks studying physical therapy in Costa Rica. I remember sitting in class and submitting my application rather than paying attention LOL. So when I got accepted I couldn't wait.
And then COVID-19 happened..
Every time I got an email from the program, all they could say was we will keep you updated but as of right now the trip is still happening. And then the final email came, saying that the trip was cancelled and they would re-evaluate around winter time.
So here I am, with this entire month off from school, work, LIFE. And I had to figure out what to do with it. This is where the "I Moved to Another State for A Month" blog post comes in. If you haven't read that post I would encourage you too. It's one of my favorites.

Anyway, so I decided to go live with my brother in his girlfriend in Nevada for all of that time off. And I would do it all over again if I could. I LOVED IT.
I am giving you all of this backstory because right now, exactly a year later, I got re-accepted into the study abroad program for this summer and I cannot wait! I have always wanted to go abroad but couldn't find a program that was a good fit for me. It's called Toucan Abroad and it's a three week trip for pre-physical therapy students to shadow physical therapy in Costa Rica. It's a great fit for me because it's shadowing physical therapy abroad which is something I've always wanted to do, it's short and sweet, and it's rather inexpensive.

Because I decided to take this trip, I have decided to push my graduation a semester later. This is a decision I struggled to make because I have had my heart set on graduating in 2021 for the longest time. However, in the long run, I know this will make my grad school application better and it will be an experience that I will never forget.
I am so excited to do this and I'm so excited to share more about it later!